Juazeiro |Bahia
Pintura feita por Izolag Armeidah e Ananda Nahu nas margens do Rio São Francisco, na cidade de Juazeiro, Bahia, Brasi. Do outro lado do Rio, outra cidade e outro estado, Petrolina, em Pernambuco.
A imagem do Stencil é o musico percussionista Paulinho da Costa, feito por Izolag Armeidah.
foto: Ananda Nahu / Izolag
Painting made by Izolag Armeidah and Ananda Nahu on the banks of São Francisco River in the town of Juazeiro, Bahia, Brazil. Across the river, another town and another state, Petrolina, in Pernambuco.
The image of the stencil is the musician percussionist Paulinho da Costa, made by Izolag Armeidah.
photos: Ananda Nahu / Izolag

Paint made by Ananda Nahu and Izolag Armeidah with Spray Paint. Image of The stencil is the Brazilian percussionist Paulinho da Costa Year: 2008 Photo By: Izolag Armeidah

Paint made by Ananda Nahu and Izolag Armeidah with Spray Paint. Image of The stencil is the Brazilian percussionist Paulinho da Costa Year: 2008 Photo By: Ananda Nahú

Paint made by Ananda Nahu and Izolag Armeidah with Spray Paint. Image of The stencil is the Brazilian percussionist Paulinho da Costa Year: 2008 Photo By: Ananda Nahú

Paint made by Ananda Nahu and Izolag Armeidah with Spray Paint. Year: 2008 Photo By: Ananda Nahú

Paint made by Ananda Nahu and Izolag Armeidah with Spray Paint. Image of The stencil is the Brazilian percussionist Paulinho da Costa Year: 2008 Photo By: Izolag Armeidah

Paint made by Ananda Nahu and Izolag Armeidah with Spray Paint. Image of The stencil is the Brazilian percussionist Paulinho da Costa Year: 2008 Photo By: Izolag Armeidah

Paint made by Ananda Nahu and Izolag Armeidah with Spray Paint. Image of The stencil is the Brazilian percussionist Paulinho da Costa Year: 2008 Photo By: Ananda Nahú